When family-centered legal issues arise, the attorneys of Salmi & Partners can help you with:
- Cohabitation agreements
- Prenuptial agreements
- Dissolution of cohabitation relationship
- Divorce
- Division of property
- Promissory notes
- Adoption
- Child support
- Children’s rights to parent visitation / Parental access
- Barns rätt till umgänge med förälder / Children’s right to see parents
- Last wills and testaments
- Division of an estate / Inheritance disputes
Our attorneys will work to assure the protection of the family’s legal rights as guaranteed by Swedish law under:
- The Swedish Marriage Code (Äktenskapsbalken)
- The Children and Parents Code (Föräldrabalken)
- The Inheritance Code (Ärvdabalken)
- The Cohabitees Act (Sambolagen)
- The Act on Registered Partnerships (Lagen om registrerat partnerskap)
In addition, we can help resolve child-specific welfare issues governed by Swedish law under:
- The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU)
- The Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM)
- The Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT/LRV)
In cases involving children, we can help you find the right balance to satisfactorily resolve disputes in the best interests of each family member. Salmi & Partners also specialize in adoption cases and can provide assistance with the adoption application, District Court issues, and interactions with the Adoption Centre and the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket).